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Successful Stories
+ 0
Labor Included People
+ 0
Grupos de Terapia Psicológica
+ 0
Years of Hard Work
Generations from the Educational Program
Generaciones Graduadas del Diplomado

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Give a Scholarship

Become an Inclusive Company

We have been supporting and achieving Social and Labor Inclusion for more than 3,100 Motor Disabled People for 24 years.

Our programs

Psychologic Rehabilitation

Wheelchair Management

 (In collaboration with Vida Independiente México)

Boost to Educational Level (High School)

Our Philosophy

‘’We do not give you the fish, we teach you how to fish’’

“FHADI’s history isn’t just an institutional story, but it is a story of lives.”

Every person who has been through this organization, has had momentous experiences
while leaving their own mark.

upcoming events

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Fhadi's Success Stories

Meet our beneficiaries

Transparency and good practices

In FHADI we are committed to transparency, therefore, we offer our transparency reports.

Consulta los estados de financieros a través del siguiente correo: [email protected]


Premio Razón de Ser 2015

Category Disability, Inclusion, and Permanence in Employment.

Premio Compartir XXVIII Edition.

Trajectory, commitment and social impact.
September 27, 2016.


Recognition of Transparency and Good Practices
Awarded effective 2021.
Subprinciples fulfilled 36/36

Accreditation in Institutionality and Transparency.
Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI).
Valid 2021. Optimal level reached.

Members of the Social Action Movement (MAS),
Museum of Memory and Tolerance.

Actions Implemented

 due to COVID-19

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